This past week Bob Kollen came to the build center to work on his plane and the work moved forward on both the top and the underneath of his plane. It was hard to keep track of which way was up.
How many fuselage flips occur during a build?
Underneath body work and stabilizer lay-ups and for this build legs and wheels. Then a flip back to attach the wings and wing extensions…
Then up and over, with wings attached, to apply the fiberglass on the underneath of the wing extensions and roots.
Applying the fiberglass to the underneath of the wing.
Wings are left overnight or longer for the fiberglass lay-ups to cure and then the wings are taken off…and over she goes. Bob says, “that is the last time I want to see the wheels up in the air like that.”
Bob says, “It’s not going to fly this way.”
How many flips? Well, is a flip a complete rollover or just from top to belly? ….I’ll have to check with Greg.